
Archive for June 20th, 2018

Out of Time

Book Details:

Book Title: Out of Time (A ray Lafayette Novel) by Thomas William Lowrie
Category: Adult Fiction, 264 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction, Military and War
Publisher: Mindstir Media
Release date: December 4, 2017
Tour dates: May 28 to June 22, 2018
Content Rating: PG-13

Book Description:

Well, here I go again. All alone except for this suitcase of mine. I’m headed for a new place with new people. Not so bad considering it’s 1944. Lots of guys are in my shoes. We’re in the middle of World War II. Still not so bad. I’m a fireman in the Army Air Corps whatever they’re calling themselves these days. Once again, not bad at all. But I was born in 1963. There’s the bad part.

I was not born with the name Ray Lafayette, but that’s what they call me. I didn’t have kids or smoke a pipe. Hell, I didn’t even like coffee. I do now.

I was born into a different life than this, one with a lot of attachments. Now I carry my life in one bag. One really important bag.

In this time, people call me pal or buddy or sir, good lord they call me sir all the time.

I have friends in this time, and they are the best but do they know me like they think they do? Simply put, NO! Would they die for me? Every bit as much as I would die for them.

To say these folks are tough or strong is an understatement. Superhumans? I don’t think so. They were ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. I didn’t have heroes before this. I didn’t understand them until now.

Since this event has started, I have experienced many things I can’t explain. There is only one other person who has any knowledge of my situation, and I can’t find him. The last words from him were vos non unum, you are not alone.

There was a time I missed all the things that made my life easier as I thought. Here I have no cell phone, no internet, no rock music, no almost anything. As bad as that sounds, I’m not sure if I want to leave here.

To follow the tour, please visit Thomas William Lowrie’s page on iRead Book Tours.


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Meet the author:
Thomas William Lowrie is a WWII writer and author who has published two military novels, He Was and Out of Time.He has lived outside of Las Vegas most of his life, but his best memories are of the days fishing in South Texas. Summer vacations were the best. That is also where he found his best friend and wife, Tina. He could not have done any of this without her. Of course, Ray pecking at his brain for years had something to do with it too.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest

Guest Post Out of Time 

Writing and Publishing

Two, I have only written two books so far. I have 3 others in the works. One is a comedy, the second is a no-nonsense approach to RV’s and the third is the continuation of the Ray Lafayette series. All different and all need to be written and read.

The first book I ever wrote was called He was. This book was tough to get started. Since I had never written anything I simply thought it was a cool suitcase full of what I thought were treasures.

There was really no treasure, at least nothing you could sell for millions or anything like that. There was, however, something no amount of money could buy. The hand drawn sketches, the old photos, the books and even the pipes had created a man in my mind. The man was and is still called Ray Lafayette.

All of these old faded things don’t mean much to most people, but for some reason I can still connect with everything I touch from this old suitcase.

I have been asked why I wrote these books in the first person. It’s because I start writing and that is just how things come out. Was I there? No, there is nothing to prove that. Do these things bring back memories of those days? I haven’t figured that one out yet.

I’m not the same as Ray, he is far tougher and stronger than I could ever be. Everybody from that time is/was that way. I have tried to find people in my life that are like Rizzo and Harley from the first book and can come close but no one is a match. Ian in book two is larger than any life I know today but it would be some kind of fun to meet someone like him.

There are some of the others that I’m not so sure I want to meet but I have opened my mind to attempt to see the world through their eyes. I have met some wound up Henrys, some mean old Nurse Hellhounds that were actually very kind people and even some Smokey’s that still need a bath.

If none of this makes sense then one should be able to understand what I went through. The Ray Lafayette series can explain it all.

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Archaeopteryx (The Albuquerque Trilogy – 1) by Dan Darling

John Stick, zoo keeper and giant, just wants to sit alone in a dark room with his pet tarantula. However, when ten thousand birds fall dead from the New Mexican sky, the woman he loves, an ornithologist with severe facial deformity, begs him to decipher the cause. He grudgingly agrees, a decision that plunges him into a tangle of weirdness as old as the American Southwest.

Stick’s investigation reveals that the birds’ mass death is an offshoot of a much larger conflict. On one side, the Good Friends, an underground railroad for undocumented immigrants, wants Stick to oust the man they believe responsible for killing the birds and persecuting immigrants. This same man leads The Minutemen Militia, which covets Stick’s expertise in handling their genetically mutated immigrant-tracking monsters. Meanwhile, a beautiful animal theologian tries to seduce Stick into believing his existence is key to balancing an off-kilter universe. Shady characters whisper of chupacabras loose in the desert. The exsanguinated corpses of strange beasts begin to turn up, some of them Stick’s close pals. At the center of it all lurks an enigmatic antagonist who, so they say, has harnessed the power of God in an ancient hot springs and is using it to herald doomsday.

Stick’s journey upends his stable life, shakes apart his fragile relationships, and sets him on a collision course with his family’s secret ancestry. Ultimately, as chupacabra-like monsters, Minutemen, and Good Friends head toward a final showdown, Stick must make a hard choice about his own identity and values.

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 Dan Darling

Author’s Bio

Dan Darling is a native of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Before becoming a writer, he was a comet, rocketing around the world in long, haphazard, parabolas. While traveling through twenty countries and many states, Dan made a living as a circus performer, bartender, café manager, IRS agent, graphic designer, and magician. In his prime, he spoke Swedish, Spanish, and Mandarin and has studied half a dozen other languages. Dan received his BA in English from the College of Wooster and his Master of Fine Arts at the University of New Mexico.

Gravity having reined him in, Dan settled in Minnesota, where he labors over novels that fuse the language of noire detective fiction with the imagination of magical realism. His greatest influences are Haruki Murakami, Salman Rushdie, and Raymond Chandler. Besides working on novels, he teaches writing and literature at Normandale Community College and is an avid bowler. He lives in the Twin Cities with his wife and daughter.

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My Review

5 stars

John Stick is a zoologist and suffers from gigantism. His close friend, Melodia is an ornithologist that suffers from half her face being covered in tumors. Both lead a very private life but Melodia asks John to get samples from a strange even in New Mexico. Ten thousand birds mysteriously fall from the sky. But after getting the samples, John finds himself in some serious trouble. The Minutemen Militia would love his help patrolling the Mexican border. The Good Friends, anti-Minutemen, want him on their side. Creatures, normal and genetically engineered love the smell of him. An apocalypse is coming and John is in the middle of it.

This book is filled with a little bit of everything wrapped up in beautiful description and some snarky humor. Ironically the misfits of our world are going to be the ones to keep it going. I really loved all the zoology facts that you learn along the way.

I love how you find solace in the individual yet they have to learn to work together to save the world. This books is beautifully written and quickly draws you in. It’s one that I recommend checking out. I can’t wait to see where this series goes from here. For a first book I absolutely loved it!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

I would like to thank Author Marketing Experts for the opportunity to read and share this book.

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Night Home

Night Home
By Rose Titus
Genre: Fantasy/Vampire

When Muriel Aubrey inherits an old house in a small town, she imagines that moving into the rural community will be deathly dull.  But the old house once belonged to her eccentric granduncle, a professor who was said to be researching something very mysterious and unusual before his untimely death.  While exploring the slightly rundown Victorian age home, she finds the research notes that had been hidden away, and discovers that the professor was researching vampires.

It isn’t long before Muriel meets residents of the small town who knew the professor almost a century ago, and that everything he wrote in the notes he kept is true…   And she suddenly finds herself stalked by a vampire hunter.

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 Why is this series of books different?

In the past most vampire books were basically horror novels in which the plot was driven by an evil creature, and the evil creature is defeated by the hero, who in the end rescues the girl.  And today many vampire novels are romance driven plots:  girl meets vampire, girl falls in love with vampire, and then happily ever after forever…

This trilogy of books, which I like to call the Vampire Next Door series, and in which Night Home is the first in the series, involves neither romance nor “hero defeating an evil creature and recuing the girl.”
In my work I use stories about vampires to discuss problems in our society: bigotry against those who are considered different, against those who live at the fringes of society, and also to bring awareness of poverty, homelessness, violence, and other social problems we still endure today.

In Night Home, the main character, Muriel Aubrey, discovers that her neighbors are vampires.  When she gets to know them, she realizes they have been wrongly persecuted for centuries.  She suddenly finds herself needing to protect them from a vampire hunter who shows up unexpectedly.

In the second book, After Dark, another community of vampires on the west coast realizes that a serial killer is terrorizing the city in which they inhabit, and they must work to stop this serial killer before they are blamed for his atrocities.

In the third book, All the Way to the Moon, the two communities of vampires decide to communicate with each other, but while doing so, they also become involved with defeating an evil billionaire and his hired hit man.  Fortunately they have help from an environmentally concerned werewolf.


Author’s Bio

Rose Titus works two jobs to support her writing habit.  She exists somewhere in cold, dreary New England, with two manipulative cats and a very out of date Macintosh with which she creates horror and fantasy fiction.  She also has a restored classic car to ride around while in search of adventure.

For travel she has stayed for the night in an allegedly haunted castle, has taken a boat ride on Loch Ness, and has visited the fabled Bermuda Triangle, without getting lost.

Her work has previously appeared in Lost Worlds, Lynx Eye, Bog Gob, Mausoleum, Midnight Times, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, The Bugle, Weird Terrain, Descend, Wicked Wheels, Carnival of Aces, The Dead River Review, Fortean Times, and other literary magazines.
When she’s not writing or working or messing around with her old Buick, she waits by her mailbox for the next issue of Fortean Times to arrive.


My Review

5 Stars

Muriel Aubrey has just inherited her Granduncles old house. While exploring she discovers some old notebooks of Professor Aubrey. They contain a history of vampires and she thinks that this is a great story that he wrote. But after meeting her neighbors she learns the stories are true. Vampires do exist although not like the myths. But just as there are vampires, there are hunters that are trying to kill them all.

This is a quick read that sucked me in and had me wanting to learn more about Titus’ vampires. I love how they could kind of be a distant cousin of vampire myths yet a more realistic approach to them.

This is a great story and one that I recommend checking out. I see that this is supposed to be a series and I cannot wait to get my hands on the second book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

I would like to thank Sage’s blog Tours for the opportunity to read and share this book.

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